
Showing posts from November, 2022

Introduction to my Portfolio

This is my blog where you can see all my works that I did during the semester. All of this works were made for the Techonological Resources subject. I hope you enjoy it.

Defining Technological Resources

Technological Resources How many types of resources are there? There are technological, digital and analog resources. They can take the form of tools, materials, devices, people and settings. How are resources appropriately used? They are considered as appropriately used as long as they are suitables for and compatibles with educational goals. They need to have professional standards. They have to be effective and efficient. How have the evolution of resources and emerging technologies affected the educational field? The evolution of resources and emerging technologies has affected the educational field in a positive way as it makes communication and interaction between students and teachers increasingly easy and accessible and, in some ways, ironically, it brings interaction closer by bringing teachers and students together through apps and blogs where at any time the teacher can post something and almost immediately the students can respond and interact with the online resources on ...

Tutorial for Google Scholar

Instructions Create a tutorial using Zoom or a similar app in which you deal with the following questions: What is google scholar? How do you access google scholar? How do you save books or articles you want to read later? Where can you see all the articles you have saved? What do you do if you want to get other similar articles or journals? Where do you get the reference information for each publication you save or consult? What formats can you get for the references?  How can you scan the content of a document you get from google scholar, for example, to get definitions?

Tutorial to create Tables of Contents and References in Word

  Instructions: Create a tutorial using Zoom or a similar app in which you deal with the following questions about a Word document: How do you manage references in a word document? Where will you find the insert citation tool? What kind of documents can you keep in the reference tool? How do you create titles and subtitles for a Table of contents? How do you get and insert the list of references

Concept Map

This is the Concept map we used as a guide to making all the other works. 

The Importance Of Technology in ELT (Essay)

  THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELT Introduction As we know, technology nowadays is present in almost all fields of our lives and the educational sector is no exception to this. Immersing even deeper with each new generation in the digitization process. Even when the digital transformation has already reached many levels throughout education there is still a long way to go in all of them. Teachers are improving their digital literacy and showing a more favorable attitude towards the use of new technologies in the classroom, which has an impact on the increase in student motivation, while they become more familiar with electronic devices and with everything that the digital world offers. In terms of tools, technology has generated a wide variety of platforms, equipment, systems, networks, and applications, which in some cases are already present in classrooms and it seems that they will be more and more so. Globally, and as in all sectors, digital transformation should not be conf...

The Importance of Technology in ELT (Slides)


The Importance of Technology in ELT (Video)


Test in Google Forms

 Click on the link to take a quick test. The Bread - A short film by GULU

Word Shortcuts

To do this Press Open a document. Ctrl+O Create a new document. Ctrl+N Save the document. Ctrl+S Close the document. Ctrl+W Cut the selected content to the Clipboard. Ctrl+X Copy the selected content to the Clipboard. Ctrl+C Paste the contents of the Clipboard. Ctrl+V Select all document content. Ctrl+A Apply bold formatting to text. Ctrl+B Apply italic formatting to text. Ctrl+I Apply underline formatting to text. Ctrl+U Decrease the font size by 1 point. Ctrl+Left bracket ([) Increase the font size by 1 point. Ctrl+Right bracket (]) Center the text. Ctrl+E Align the text to the left. Ctrl+L Align the text to the right. Ctrl+R Cancel a command. Esc Undo the previous action. Ctrl+Z Redo the previous action, if possible. Ctrl+Y Adjust the zoom magnification. Alt+W, Q, then use the Tab key in the  Zoom  dialog box to go to the value you want. Split the document window. Ctrl+Alt+S Remove the document window split. Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S

Apps, Tools & Information Sources

In this section, I present a review of the applications, tools, or information sources that were proposed by Dr. Cinto and that I particularly found very useful in my practice. Therefore, I added it to my portfolio of evidence. You can click on the images for more information. Biblioteca Digital BUAP This tool that the university offers us is very useful for my stay in the course of my studies. But it is also very useful for information beyond the classroom because fortunately, we will have access whenever we want. It is a very complete and vast source of information. This particular collection was very useful and easy to use because all the information it contains comes from other sources recognized as reliable and secure. Therefore, when discerning the information for our essay it was much easier. Google Scholar    It is a search engine in which we can find academic documents. This is one of the tools that Google provides us to obtain articles and written works that are also...